Magnesium oxide manufacturers tell you the properties and uses of magnesium oxide

posted time:2022-03-30 page View:44225

Ionic equation:



Chemical equation:

MgCl2 (melting) = Mg + Cl2↑ (electrolysis)

MgO + C = Mg↑ + CO↑ (high temperature)

6.2 mg/L (20°C), reacts

White or light yellow powder, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, insoluble in water or ethanol, slightly soluble in ethylene glycol, melting point 2852 ℃, boiling point 3600 ℃, magnesium oxide has high fire resistance and insulation properties. It can be transformed into crystals after high temperature burning above 1000 ℃, and when it rises above 1500 ℃, it will become dead-burned magnesia (that is, the so-called magnesia) or sintered magnesia.

Chemical properties: Magnesium oxide is an alkaline oxide, with the general properties of alkaline oxides, belonging to a cementitious material

When exposed to the air, it is easy to absorb moisture and carbon dioxide and gradually become basic magnesium carbonate. The light product is faster than the heavy product. It combines with water to form magnesium hydroxide, which is slightly alkaline. The pH of the saturated aqueous solution is 10.3. Soluble in acid and ammonium salts, insoluble in water, and its solution is alkaline. Insoluble in ethanol.

Slow action with water to generate magnesium hydroxide

Strong refraction in the visible and near-ultraviolet range.

Classification: divided into light magnesium oxide and heavy magnesium oxide. Lightweight and loose in volume, it is a white amorphous powder. Odorless, tasteless and non-toxic. Density 3.58g/cm3. Insoluble in pure water and organic solvents, the solubility in water increases due to the presence of carbon dioxide. Soluble in acid and ammonium salt solution. After high temperature burning into crystals. In case of carbon dioxide in the air, magnesium carbonate double salt is formed. Heavy volume is compact, white or beige powder. It is easy to combine with water, and it is easy to absorb moisture and carbon dioxide when exposed to the air. It is easy to gel and harden when mixed with magnesium chloride solution.

With the industrialization upgrade and the demand and development of the high-tech functional material market, a series of high-tech fine magnesium oxide products have been developed and produced, which are mainly used in lubricating oil, tanning and alkali upgrading, food grade, medicine, silicon steel grade, electromagnetic grade, It is composed of nearly ten varieties such as high-purity magnesium oxide.
